Welcome back Grattan St

Welcome back Grattan St
Rob Moore

On the evening of Saturday, June 15, the barriers were removed on the Eastern side of Royal Parade and Grattan St was reopened.

The lead article in this issue covers the reopening, however, I would like to say how thrilled I was to walk Grattan on the 15th and drive by early the next day.

While we were promised it would be reopened there was heavy lobbying to keep the street closed following the completion of the works for Parkville Station. Rumours spread and we worked very hard with all parties to ensure it did not remain closed!

I would like to thank the Lord Mayor Sally Capp and Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece for their support. They must have been sick of the constant questions and emails, however, the vital link from Royal Parade to Carlton will be great for residents and removing some of the Parkville “rat runners”!

We must also appreciate how important the reopening will be for Carlton traders who have suffered during COVID and will now pick up more traffic from the adjacent suburbs.

To CYP (Cross Yarra Partnership), a job well done. As a community we could not have wished for more cooperation, information, and teamwork. The only things missing now are the trains which will be here this time next year.

The station is looking magnificent and on June 11, 20 Parkville Association members were treated to a trip around the station!

South Parkville residents will have noticed traffic counters recently. The City of Melbourne was conducting traffic flows prior to the reopening of Grattan St and will do another survey post the school holidays to see whether the “rat running “ has decreased.

We will also be holding a public meeting after the one hosted by the council to look at calming and other traffic measures in our suburb.

Many congratulations to Father Joe Caddy who has been the Parish Priest at St Carthage’s since May 2021. Father Joe took the role on as well as his role as Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Father Joe has been appointed the Bishop of Cairns; a role he will take up in August. Joe has lived in Parkville during his local role and has become a well-liked and respected resident and a member of our community.

Finally, the Parkville Association will be holding its annual Christmas in July on July 22. Members are urged to book early as we will have several key guests and the usual fun night. •

A Sneaky Little Burger Story at La Mama Courthouse

A Sneaky Little Burger Story at La Mama Courthouse

August 29th, 2024 - Nicolas Thurn-Valsassina
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