Columns » Carlton Rotary

Farmers Market proposed for Lygon St, Carlton
Rotary Club of Carlton and Swinburne’s Business Consulting Project Unit collaborate to explore the feasibility of a Farmers Market.
Rotarians from around the world congregate in Melbourne
Nearly 15,000 Rotarians congregated in Melbourne in late May for the Rotary International Convention. This was the second time the International Convention had been held in Melbourne, the last occasion being 1993.
Read MoreCarlton Rotary opens new second-hand bookshop in Docklands
The Rotary Club of Carlton has combined with the Rotary Club of Albert Park to open a second-hand book shop in a shopping centre in Docklands, known as “The District”. This is near the now closed Southern Star Observation Wheel, and the Costco Warehouse.
Read MoreWhen recycling means joy at Rotary Inner Melbourne Emergency Relief Network
Multi-Club project Rotary Inner Melbourne Emergency Relief Network (RIMERN) opened its East Brunswick warehouse doors in June 2021 to collect good quality, contemporary-style donated furniture, appliances and homewares to be rehomed with Melburnians being helped into secure housing.
Read MoreRotarians walk to end polio
World Polio Day was on October 24, when we were all reminded of the wonderful work that has been done to reduce 99.9 per cent of the annual polio cases that had occurred in 1988.
Read MoreRotarians do their bit to help limit impact of malaria
Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It is preventable and curable.
Read MorePat Cronin Foundation
Pat Cronin Foundation partnerships manager Steve Layt spoke at a recent meeting of the Rotary Club of Carlton.
Read MoreInvesting energy in youth
Younger residents of our communities, in the 20 to 40 age group, make a major contribution to the number of people who volunteer in Australia.
Read MoreRotary marks Nelson Mandela Day with youth summit
Nelson Mandela International Day, established by the United Nations, was celebrated on July 18. Mandela Day is a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, and the ability to make an impact.
Read MorePassionate volunteer awarded outstanding community leadership award
In 2010-11 the Rotary Club of Carlton instigated a Community Leadership Award to recognise people in the local community who have demonstrated by example a commitment to initiating programs and/or supporting their communities.
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RIMERN-the home of residential recycling