Y Streetball now open at Carlton Baths
Y Streetball was founded at the North Melbourne Community Centre in March 2017 by YMCA volunteers Dave and Pete to support adults experiencing homelessness or disadvantage and has since grown into a vibrant community program that welcomes everyone.
Co-founder Dave “Disco” Gunstone is excited to be introducing the project to Carlton and welcomes everyone regardless of ability or socio-economic background.
He has experienced his share of homelessness and recovery and is passionate about basketball and sport.
With his mate Pete, they kicked around ideas for a social open-door space where people experiencing homelessness or hardship could feel a sense of belonging.
A place they thought of as allowing “escape for a couple of hours.”
While Y Streetball is about playing basketball, Dave and Pete wanted it to be a place for people to “meet and greet” and feel connected to the community.
Streetball is a more free-flowing grassroots version of basketball.
The program gives participants a place to blow off steam playing basketball and a chance to socialise with new friends.
There are no costs or joining fees, just a great environment to make new friends and participate in a fun, community activity.
Light refreshments are provided at the end of each session, and showers are available.
People wanting to play Streetball must be over 18 years of age.
Players of all genders are welcome at any skill level, from raw beginners to those who know the game well.
There is no need for a sports kit or uniform. It is about joining the game and not about the look. Mates and families are welcome to join in as spectators.
Y Streetball sessions at Carlton Baths, located at 216/248 Rathdowne St, Carlton, are held every Thursday from 12pm to 2pm.
For more information, call Disco Dave on 0401 802 548 or Carlton Baths on 9347 3677 •
Caption: Dave Gunstone at Carlton Baths.

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