Working towards protecting and elevating East Melbourne’s future
The East Melbourne Group (EMG) team has continued to work hard to preserve, protect and enhance the iconic suburb we live in.
Over the past month we have conducted a community safety meeting at the East Melbourne Library, attended by more than 80 residents and representatives of the Victoria Police, City of Melbourne and Melbourne Cricket Club. It proved to be a productive evening where attendees were able to share their concerns and experiences. Issues including drug taking, anti-social behaviour, theft, illegal use of e-scooters and parking and traffic matters were raised. There was a commitment from the presenters to continue to work with the community to get better outcomes and we plan to have further sessions in the future.
Councillors from the City of Melbourne conducted their Future Melbourne Meeting at the Eastbourne building at Albert St on August 15. The EMG thanked the councillors for their work in our community and requested a continued commitment to improving the amenity and liveability of our suburb. Lord Mayor Sally Capp advised the meeting that she would work with the EMG to achieve these aims, while Cr Rohan Leppert committed to getting the long overdue heritage review of East Melbourne completed in the next financial year.
The EMG has also attended a regular meeting with the presidents of the council’s residents’ associations and the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece. These meetings are an excellent way for us to mix with other residents’ associations and tackle shared issues.
We continue to advocate for greater and fairer regulation of the airspace over East Melbourne. The EMG has attended meetings with the council, the Melbourne airport community consultation group, and our local MP Adam Bandt. Our aim is to bring about change to minimise the unreasonable impact of aircraft noise on our suburb.
The EMG is aware that some members have not been receiving email updates from the group. We apologise to these members and ask anyone who has not been receiving regular updates to contact us at [email protected] or on 0410 414 386. •

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