Vizard House “a home away from home”
Caring for a sick loved one is already an emotionally taxing experience without the added pressure of travelling long distances to do so.
So, for the past 27 years, Vizard Foundation House has provided a nearby retreat for families and friends supporting patients in Melbourne hospitals.
Vizard House manager Monica Dixon said the accommodation was perfect for those who lived too far away to travel to the hospital every day.
“The houses are right in the epicentre of the hospital system and right opposite the Fitzroy Gardens, so it couldn’t be a more beautiful spot,” Ms Dixon said.
“We are a wonderful alternative to motels and hotels as we’re much more economical than a hotel and we are easily accessible to public transport.”
Based on Clarendon St in East Melbourne, the not-for-profit accommodation is within walking distance to the major Melbourne hospitals including The Royal Melbourne, the Royal Women’s, St Vincent’s, the Alfred and The Eye & Ear hospital.
The historic houses were built in 1906 by politician Sir Austin Chapman, one of the founding fathers of Australian federation.
Ms Dixon said that the two terrace houses were safe, secure and someone was always on call.
“It’s a 120-year-old building so the inside is very grand and beautiful,” Ms Dixon said.
“We have 15 rooms available with four family rooms. There is also a communal lounge area with a TV and a fully-equipped kitchen, and a courtyard with a barbeque. So, guests get to enjoy a communal environment and also have private space.”
For patients living more than 100km from the hospital, guests are also eligible for the Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) rebate.
Ms Dixon said in circumstances of financial hardship, Vizard House could also organise to bulk bill the accommodation and travel costs so the guest isn’t out of pocket.
“What we do is keep our rates in line with a Vic tax rebate so it’s very affordable for this suburb and much cheaper than a hotel,” Ms Dixon said.
There is no minimal stay required at Vizard House and guests can stay anywhere from a few nights to months at a time.
Ms Vizard said the feedback has been extremely positive from guests who have stayed in the house and urged those caring for hospital patients to get in touch.
“We get a lot of positive feedback and lovely thank you comments about the care and attention to detail,” Ms Dixon said.
“Normally fully we’re booked but due to elective surgery being postponed or delayed we have lots of space available.”
To find out more about Vizard House, contact Monica at [email protected] or call 0400 117 544.

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