Short and sharp!
Firstly, no news yet on our Morrah St VCAT case; 13 weeks and still going!
On Monday, June 19 the AGM of the Parkville Association was held at Naughtons Hotel. We are very lucky that the owner of Naughtons is on our committee, and we use the main area when the pub is closed on a Monday.
We had two guest speakers: director engagement and partnerships at the University of Melbourne Padmini Sebastian and senior open space planner from the City of Melbourne Alicia Otto.
Padmini focused on how the Parkville Association and residents could work closer and enjoy our fellow Parkvillians and neighbours across Royal Parade. There are so many areas we could work together particularly with the number of students residing in Parkville.
She asked who in the room (from 40 attendees) had an interest as a graduate or lecturer with the University and more than 80 per cent raised their hands!
Alicia focused on the Royal Park Safety Audit and ran through the project and held a Q&A session. All were very enthusiastic given the importance of Royal Park to our suburb.
Working together with the university and the council is a key objective of the Parkville Association.
Following the speakers, the AGM was held and the committee for 2023/24 elected.
The committee is Rob Moore (president), Bruce Pertzel (secretary), David McGregor (treasurer) and members Rob Krelle, Alan Wise, Anne Phefley, Ryan Moses with two newcomers, Eleanor Spencer-Regan and Frances Kinney.
As I said at the meeting, we need to share portfolios more and encourage younger members to join the committee. This will be a key focus this year given some members will retire next May. We are about inclusion and younger residents can add their ideas and help drive the association forward.
When I became president, my thoughts were to grow the association and hand over to a successor within two years. I am now in my eighth year and need someone to work alongside me to take over the reins! We hold committee meetings 10 times a year so not an onerous task!
We are planning our “Christmas in July” at Naughtons on July 24. It’s a members-only night but feel free to join us. Contact me at [email protected] •