Rug up for winter 2022 at La Mama

Carol Saffer

La Mama’s winter program kicks off on Sunday, July 3, running through to Sunday, October 2, focusing on solo performers.

Expect to see works showcasing emerging, established and iconic artists from Melbourne and afar.

Music Jam, a La Mama for Kids workshop program for pre-schoolers, is presented by Karen Davitt, an Australian actress with an extensive career in film, television and theatre, possibly most known for her performance as Zoe Hamilton in Blue Heelers from 1995 to 1998.

Karen, who also plays the double bass with her Melbourne band All Day Fritz, said she had worked in all-ages music for more than a decade with the band.

“Since I had my daughter, I had this idea that kids are quite sophisticated in their musical taste if you give them interesting choices.”

After tossing around the idea of weekly music classes for kids in partnership with their parents, La Mama generously supported Karen’s concept.

“This is the first season of weekly classes,” Karen said.

“Four classes over a month and a booking for all four costs $50.”

With a maximum of 10 people in each class, Karen explores interactive music with the basic rhythm, pitch and tempo.

Karen said going from a band to flying solo was different.

“A band gives you a sense of support because your gang is there with you; it is my happy place.”

Music Jam is like being the leader of a band you haven’t worked with before.”

“What I enjoy most about performing is playing music with other people, including kids, because it is incredibly powerful and fun,” Karen said.

Another one-woman show features Jane Clifton, who wrote and performs A Day at a Time in Rhyme, an immersive new piece combining spoken word, soundscape, image and music.

“I made this rather stupid resolution in 2018 that I would write a poem every day,” Jane said.

“It was my New Year’s resolution; a terrific exercise of writing 365 short poems.”

Jane wanted to do a recitation of some of her poems at La Mama after the book was published.

Before she had the chance, La Mama burnt down, and then COVID arrived on the scene, so it has taken a while for her to finally bring the book to life.

She said it will be a bit of fun, a rollercoaster of many things that has her on stage for about an hour.

“You get to spend a year with me: four seasons in one hour, a poem for each day.”

“It’s lovely on the page, but it comes to life when I read and act it out.”

Music Jam runs from Monday, September 19 to Monday, October 10 at La Mama HQ at 205 Faraday St, Carlton.

A Day at a Time in Rhyme is on stage from Wednesday, July 13, until Friday, July 24.

The performance on Friday, July 15, at 6.30pm will be livestreamed

La Mama’s on-screen and livestream seasons provide a broadening platform of accessible options for those unable to attend theatre in person.

La Mama’s winter season will program shows postponed due to COVID.

The highly anticipated We Too Us Too Me Too Too Too, will finally open at La Mama Courthouse, while Little Brother Big Sister will complete the season it began in 2021. •

For more information:


Photo captions: Jane Clifton and Karen Davitt images by La Mama.

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