Parkville Association AGM
The 55th Parkville Association annual general meeting (AGM) was held at Naughtons Hotel (pictured above) on Monday, March 21. Nearly 60 members attended the first “in person” AGM for two years.
I opened the meeting with the first guest, Michelle Bruggeman, Director of Melbourne Zoo, who gave an amazing presentation of plans for the Zoo in what will be its 160th year in October.
Sadly, Parkville will no longer have elephants when they move to Werribee in late 2023. Prior to that three of the herd are pregnant and will deliver three new Parkville residents around the end of the year.
Second guest speaker Danielle Smits from CYP Design, gave an update on the development of Parkville Station. I have been very lucky to be a member of the Community Reference Group for the past five years and have seen the amazing project unfold. It was great to see Danielle’s presentation updating our residents. Fifteen minutes to the airport in about seven years’ time is very exciting.
Nas Mohamud, Neighbourhood Partner from the City of Melbourne presented an overview of Participate Parkville which is the latest neighbourhood study by the council, reaching out to assist residents and to feel how the suburbs work. For more information go to
As president, I reported on various activities during the year. Of great interest was the Heritage Study conducted by the council and a committee was formed to work on our great heritage and assist in planning for our sesquicentennial in 2023.
Looking at our key priorities, safety is very important, and many members stressed this at our AGM particularly with the growth of illegal scooter riding.
Also discussed was the Traffic Study, C384 Inundation overlay and our relationship with the council. On the latter, for the first time the council will be holding its April meeting in Parkville at the Treacy Centre on Tuesday, April 12. This will allow residents to mingle first with councillors and then attend as observers the meeting. Following that the council will be open to questions from residents.
A new committee for 2022/23 was elected and it was thrilling to have members from North Parkville and West Parkville elected giving total coverage of our great suburb.
Office bearers are Rob Moore (president), Brice Pertzel (secretary) and David McGregor (treasurer). Committee members are Rob Krelle, Anne Phefley, Nick Morrissey, Ryan Moses, Trish McNamara, Virginia Maxwell and Alan Wise.
I attended The Lord Mayor’s Presidents of Residents Group meeting at the Town Hall the same morning. It was very informative and a further meeting will be held in April to set future objectives.
Happy Easter to all, enjoy our wonderful city and, of course, beautiful Parkville •

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