HaiR 3Rs offers family violence support training free to hair and beauty practitioners
Most women and girls will rate their hairdresser or beautician as one of their safest and trusted relationships because this special bond is usually built over a number of years.
If your hairdresser has undergone the HaiR 3Rs family violence training program, they could be your lifesaver in a time of need.
Eastern Domestic Violence Service (EDVOS), which provides the program, believes that community education is necessary to help eliminate domestic violence.
Melanie Broere, primary prevention and education project coordinator said, “some of our work is centred on the promotion of early intervention in family violence and we see it as a community issue where everyone has a role in ending it.”
One of the recommendations that came out of the 2015 Royal Commission into Family Violence was that services open to all members of the public are well-placed to spot family violence at its earliest stage, and be able to help refer people experiencing it, to support services.
Research conducted by EDVOS showed hair and beauty professionals were being exposed to information from their clients in increasing numbers.
However, how to do deal with this situation, is not included in any of the sector’s formal training.
EDVOS recognised a need and developed and rolled out the HaiR 3Rs program.
With funding support from the City of Melbourne, they are currently offering free training sessions available in the city for salons, barbers, spas and clinics. Training runs for three hours and can be done with your salon team or as an individual. The normal cost is $125 per person.
Ms Broere said the training program was facilitated by qualified educators with more than 20 years’ experience.
Zowie Evans, hairdresser and salon owner in Carlton said she’d had clients present her with information about their family violence experience.
“I didn’t know what to do so when I saw this course, I really wanted to get the right information,” Ms Evans said.
Hairdressers and beauticians are best placed where they may spot or be told about family violence
She explained the 3Rs stand for “Recognise, Respond and Refer”.
It’s how to deal with the information safely.
“I am not a social worker and I can’t tell my client what to do but I wanted to know how to deal with this situation safely,” she said. “It means I can help the client by referring them onto the appropriate places.”
“I have been confronted with this situation more times than I can count.”
When Ms Evans hires new staff, she re-attends the course with them.
“I think it is really important for all of my staff to know the information that is out there so they can safely navigate it with their clients,” she said.
“I see this as a way to be part of my community. I have known my clients since they left university, got married, and had children. As their hairdresser I have gone through the major events of their life with them.” •
To book training sessions email or call 9259 4200