Neighbour Network back at Powlett Reserve

Neighbour Network back at Powlett Reserve

By Sue Henderson

East Melbourne Neighbour Network’s (EMNN) home base for community activities, the Powlett Reserve Community Room, has recently received a welcome upgrade of its amenities.

Upgrades include a repaint of the main room, lighting replacements and general improvements which have provided a safer and more welcoming communal space to recommence the term two health and wellbeing program of activities.

Good enrolments have been received in classes including:   

  • Monday: Health Qigong – 9am to 10am; Chair Yoga – 10.30am to 11.30am; Gentle Yoga: 5.30pm to 6.30pm
  • Tuesday: Walking Group – 8.30am to 9.30am; Tai Chi – 10.30am to 11.30am
  • Thursday: Pilates – 9am to 10am; 10.30am to 11.30am; Ukulele – 3pm to 4pm
  • Friday: Gentle Exercise – 9.30am to 10.30am; 10.45-11.45am

A new Book Group has recently formed, and an uptake of members enthusiastically received.  If you are interested in joining and would like further information, contact Shelley via email.

Celebrate life through music

Currently an idea being planned, pending funding from the City of Melbourne, is the establishment of a community choir, an unauditioned, mixed-voice, inclusive community choir to be located in East Melbourne.

The aim is to create an environment for local people to meet, participate and enjoy singing together as a group. Research has shown that singing in a choir can strengthen feelings of togetherness, reduce stress levels and regulate heart rate and improve feelings of social wellbeing. We’d love to hear your voice so drop us an email if you are interested in joining: [email protected]

Morning coffee and guest speakers

The regular community Morning Coffee Gathering was well attended and guest speakers, Roger Smith and Graham Ryles, both East Melbourne residents, gave an insightful presentation on “The Lanes of East Melbourne”.

Their extensive research on the history of places that residents may know and walk or drive past regularly yet go unnoticed. They explained why lanes received their names and why they were an important part of the planning in the early days of Melbourne. The main role of the lanes was to provide a way for the “night man” to gain access to the houses before sewerage was installed.

The material and photos presented, showed many buildings now demolished and what has taken their place. For example, where The Eastbourne now is, was previously the Masonic Hall and prior to that was The Presbyterian Ladies College. Roger lamented the fact that much time had to be spent to find the plaque that identified that PLC was once there and suggested that we should try and get this put into a more prominent place.

The next gathering will be held on Friday, June 11 at 10.30am and guest presenter is Dr Laurie Bartak, a world authority on autism. Most of us know of someone with this syndrome so it will be informative to know what autism is and what it isn’t. This is a very serious subject, but don’t be dismayed, Laurie is a very amusing speaker while dealing with the syndrome with respect.

 Your ideas and involvement are important

As always, new ideas are sought from the community as we wish to provide additional meaningful, fun, and engaging activities for all age groups. Any resident, of any age, who would like to get involved – the EMNN would love to hear from you. 

Your ideas and involvement will help strengthen our community and enhance the health and wellbeing of all neighbours. •

Contact Sue Henderson or Ann Maree Eckersley: [email protected]

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