Here we go!
As you read this column, the first three days of the VCAT hearing brought by Sinclair Dermatology will have concluded. The lead-up to this, finding professional witnesses and briefing them, collating other objectors and assisting all, has been very time consuming, but very satisfying.
I have spent a lot of time both here and by email communication to you all so as you read this the hearing is likely to be partially over. I will advise readers of the situation in next month’s column but given the number of people appearing and the gravity of the case it is unlikely to have been concluded at the hearing on February 28, most likely March 1 or 2. A big thank you to all our supporters.
One late change is that this week we found out the plans for Sinclair Dermatology include a closure of their East Melbourne operation and relocating to Parkville with all their many clients.
Enough on that subject, and on to a very special occasion – The Mar Thoma Church on Royal Parade has unveiled the new “Crown” on the tower of the former College Church on Royal Parade.
Amazingly the conservation works were managed by RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants who have been retained as our heritage expert witnesses at the VCAT hearing.
If you are walking along Royal Parade at the corner of The Avenue, take a long look at the beauty of the new “Crown”. I often wander around the corner and simply stare at the the beautiful structure. The former Crown was allowed to deteriorate and has been in a state of disrepair for more than 20 years. Congratulations to the Mar Thoma Church for raising the funds to make this wonderful event happen.
Finally in this shorter article it has been great to see students back on campus during O-Week. With three years since our first lockdown the smiles, laughter and, of course, serious studies have now begun. It has been tough for our student community, and we wish them well for 2023.
The University of Melbourne is a major part of Parkville and was founded in 1853, some 20 years before the first houses were built over the road in South Parkville. The first major build in South Parkville was Naughton’s Hotel. This month was the 150th anniversary of the granting of their first liquor licence.
Clearly the students and builders needed a drink before we residents occupied the land!
Enjoy March and wish us luck! •