Council clears the way for demolition of light towers at Crawford Oval
The removal of all four lights will mark the first step of the City of Melbourne’s Crawford Oval Sports Field Renewal project in Princes Park.
Councillors voted unanimously to grant a demolition permit at the August 13 Future Melbourne Committee meeting, greenlighting plans to prepare the oval for significant redevelopment.
A permit is required for the works because of the heritage overlay on Princes Park, but the towers themselves are not deemed to have any heritage significance.
According to a report prepared by SongBowden Planning on behalf of the council, proposed future works on the oval, which were not part of this permit application, will also include partially removing the existing turf, goal posts and four trees.
The demolitions will make way for the renewal project which aims to improve the overall condition of the oval through new lighting and vegetation.
There are also proposed plans to change the layout of the oval to incorporate two soccer fields compared to the current singular AFL/cricket field.
The report added that the oval was currently “below the desired conditional level” and that new LED lights would be installed to bring the oval’s lighting up to council standards.
Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece welcomed the proposed works.
“I jog this park every week, it’s a beautiful park, it’s a busy park, it’s a park that’s full of Melburnians participating in sporting and recreational activities,” Cr Reece said.
“This demolition permit and what will follow will ensure that this will continue to be a high-quality space for people to participate in sporting activities.”
“I’m also advised that any new lighting will be proposed to be delivered in accordance with the council’s lighting strategy, which importantly means the lights will be programmable and dimmable when not used for sports.”
Cr Reece said $750,000 had been committed towards the project as part of the council’s 2024/2025 budget, subject to the designs being endorsed. •

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