Changes to electorate improves The Greens’ chances
Potential changes to the Victorian electoral boundaries could affect which electorates Carlton North, Princes Hill and Parkville residents fall within.
Proposed boundaries released by the Electoral Boundaries Commission show a change in the districts of Melbourne and Brunswick.
Under the proposed changes, residents from Carlton North and Princes Hill will be transferred from the district of Melbourne to the district of Brunswick.
Conversely, those living in West Parkville will leave the district of Brunswick and rejoin the rest of Parkville in the district of Melbourne.
The change in boundaries occurred as the Greens prepare to battle the Labor Party to keep the marginal seats at the 2022 state election.
According to ABC psephologist Antony Green, the effects of the proposed changes to boundaries means the Greens have notionally extended their leads in both seats.
The Greens have held the district of Melbourne since 2014, when Ellen Sandell won the seat after Labor held it continuously for more than 100 years.
Tim Read won the district of Brunswick for the Greens at the last election following a decade of growth in support for the party.
The Electoral Boundaries Commission is taking submissions on the proposed changes until July 30.
The final boundaries will be declared in October.
The Electoral Boundaries Commission is an independent commission responsible for adjusting electoral boundaries to ensure each electorate has roughly the same amount of voters and representative of all Victorians •