Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre appoints new executive officer
Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre (CNLC) has recently appointed Tony Milne as its new executive officer, after Linda Perugini left the position at the end of last year.
After farewelling Ms Perugini and thanking her for her commitment to the role in a CNLC Facebook post on December 16, the community centre announced Mr Milne would be taking it over.
As a not-for-profit neighbourhood house that serves to support, connect and upskill community members experiencing disadvantage, Mr Milne said he was “honoured to be given the opportunity” to help make a difference.
“I believe passionately that problems like poverty, inequality and climate change can be solved through our collective efforts, and the Carlton Neighbourhood Learning Centre has an important role to play in ensuring that all people, regardless of their background, have the opportunity to achieve their potential,” he said.
Mr Milne comes to the position with a wealth of knowledge and experience in senior management within the public health, public education, and not-for-profit sectors, in a career spanning 20 years in New Zealand and Australia.
While only new, Mr Milne has wasted no time in advocating for ways the centre can continue to be a safe and welcoming space for all this year.
“Our centre has many opportunities, from a weekly creative writing class through to an NDIS-applicable all-abilities program for people with disability, and a program to support people into employment or further education,” he said.
“It’s an ideal venue to hire for meetings and workshops, or come and volunteer in our beautiful community garden with our chickens.”
The CNLC currently has accredited “English as an Additional Language” full-time and part-time courses and pre-accredited part-time courses in computer and digital literacy skills, work pathways, language, and literacy.
Speaking about the different opportunities, Mr Milne said he wanted to encourage anyone interested to get in touch, so the CNLC team could continue to help people find the right course for themselves. •