A win for cyclists

A win for cyclists

I’m replying based on your article about new bike lanes on Grattan St in the Inner City News.

I live near the intersection of Grattan and Rathdowne streets and am thrilled to hear that the bike lanes will be expanded. I’m especially hoping it includes a hook turn from Rathdowne southbound on to Grattan St. In general, I think a lot of people just resist change but it’s ultimately an improvement. 

I hear a lot of my neighbours still complain about the bike lane on Rathdowne St because there used to be more street parking, but the end goal should always be to promote a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle; and sometimes that means taking out a couple parking spaces and making bikers safer.



Keep Grattan St flowing

As a resident of Carlton (about 150 metres from Grattan St) for 24 years I could not agree more with Tim Swain (article: New bike lanes set to be rolled out in Grattan St).

The existing painted bike lane in Grattan St functions perfectly well and still allows two lanes of traffic. As a local I can tell you that there is a lot more bike traffic in Elgin St than Grattan St.

The council has turned Rathdowne and Exhibition streets into car parks with their introduction of separated bike lanes there and I fear Grattan St is destined for the same outcome.

Does the Carlton Residents’ Association know something that we residents don’t know in saying “Grattan St is a local street and not designed for through traffic”.

My understanding is that Grattan St is supposed to reopen to through traffic once the Melbourne Metro station at the corner of Royal Parade is completed.



Aircraft noise no issue

A hearty congratulations to Christopher Bantick on his opinion piece “Making a lot of noise over aircraft” (Inner City News, February 2024).

This sensible article is well overdue and hopefully might stimulate reflection by some of the most privileged people in our society who seek even more concessions and privilege in seeking to have aircraft redirected so their bridge tables are not disrupted.

People might be happier if they, like me, look into the sky awestruck by the miracle of modern air transport and enjoy these wonderful aircraft that only appear for a few minutes at a time.

My suggestion is that the members of the East Melbourne Group who oppose these fly overs organise a boycott of all aircraft that fly to Melbourne and perhaps find their way to Aspen, Paris or London another way for their annual break.

Resident, anonymous


Aircraft noise no issue 2

Congratulations on the opinion piece by Christopher Bantick in the February 2024 edition.

Christopher eloquently points out the unrealistic nature of the East Melbourne Group campaign against aircraft noise. You choose to live next door to a CBD; well, expect some noise from all sorts of transportation. Are we supposed to re-align the runways at Melbourne and Essendon Airports, and close the heliports at city hospitals?

The trip to Canberra also speaks volumes about Adam Bandt’s judgement and common sense. Wonder whether the group actually flew over East Melbourne on either the outbound or return leg of the Canberra trip.

Instead of getting flustered over aircraft noise, the East Melbourne Group might actually achieve something of value by campaigning on safety issues. And I’ll pick one example like speeding bicycles and E-scooters in Yarra Park and Fitzroy Gardens.

Keep up the good work, Christopher.

Resident, anonymous


Aircraft noise no issue 3

I would like to congratulate Christopher Bantick on his article in the February edition of Inner City News.

I have lived in East Melbourne for 30 years and have long been irritated by the East Melbourne Group’s activity on this issue. It seems to be a combination of someone’s obsession and an extraordinary sense of entitlement generating this extreme NIMBYism.

Aircraft noise has never bothered me but even if it did, I would be ashamed to insist that it be relocated to annoy someone less fortunate.

Resident, anonymous

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