Columns » Public Housing Residents’ Network

The Victorian Government supports private market rate rents
The Big Housing Build absorbed the original Public Housing Renewal Program (PHRP), which included up to 11 public housing estates.
A new Victorian Housing Minister
I welcome the appointment of Mr Colin Brooks as the new Victorian Minister for Housing and look forward to him improving public housing by first assessing in detail the programs of the Andrews Government.
Read MoreAffordable housing and the state election
The election results are in, and a new government will either ignore or choose to deal with housing affordability problems of hundreds of thousands of Victorians of all ages.
Read MoreIs Homes Victoria about to declare insolvency?
I don’t take much of what the Herald Sun says about anything to be honest. It is a muckraker of the first order. Sensationalism in reporting is its core mission.
Read MoreFor the state government, housing is about revenue – not a human right
The Victorian State Election will be held on Saturday, November 26 this year and we will be hearing a lot about housing between now and then.
Read MoreNew federal government and affordable housing
The new Labor government will establish a housing supply council to advise on a plan for affordable housing across Australia.
Read MoreResidents meeting
Finally, the newly-formed Carlton Estate Tenants’ Association (CETA) has had its first meeting, this occurred on June 20.
Read MoreWhat a crazy month it has been
Firstly, a little bit of self-indulgence … I want to congratulate my beautiful, awesome and inspiring daughter Brittany and her equally inspiring partner Erin on the birth of their little girl Dior (my first grandchild).
Read MoreBarak Beacon public housing estate in Port Melbourne
Estate residents continue to campaign on Homes Victoria’s plan to relocate them, demolish and redevelop the estate and the lack of clear advice on their future housing security.
Read MoreBarak Beacon public housing estate in Port Melbourne
Homes Victoria now have an office on the estate with a revolving door of relocation workers. Residents are getting invitations put under their front doors to come and have a chat. The chat participation rate is very, very low.
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Carlton community garden “a melting pot” of cultures